...in one eternal God who is the Creator of all things.
...that God is a family, existent in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
...that Jesus Christ was fully God, became a man, lived sinlessly yet relatably, died selflessly, and rose again victoriously.
...that the Lord Jesus Christ will return one day just as He promised.
...that the Holy Spirit is present and active among His people, filling them with God's power and presence.
...that when we focus on making disciples, the church is formed.
...that the church is the hands, feet and mouth of Jesus to the broken world around us.
...that every one of Jesus’ disciples is empowered by the Holy Spirit to be part of changing the world.
...in the essential dignity of men and women of all ethnicities, ages, and classes.
...all Christ's followers have an equal responsibility to develop and use their God-given gifts without regard to class, gender, or race.
...the roles of apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher each have a pivotal place in the church today.
...the Bible is God’s inspired Word.
...it is an accurate and relevant guide for life today.
...it says what it says and applies most valuably when interpreted in context.
...sin can be accurately described as distance from God created by our desire for independence from Him.
...sin separated each of us from God and His purpose for our lives.
...that salvation is God’s gift to man given by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.
...that through the grace of God, by faith, we are forgiven, made righteous, released from Old Covenant law, have open access to God, have a new nature, a new identity and have come into a new family.